Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Intro to Communication

Did anyone ever play the "silent treatment" game as a child? You know the one:  Friend A doesn't like something you did or said, so Friend A (with help from Friend B or C maybe) vowed never to speak to you again.  I remember getting the silent treatment from my older siblings when I was a child. That was the WORST POSSIBLE TORTURE they could dole out. At first I tried really hard to ignore it--to act indifferent. But it wasn't long before a wider range of emotions took over. Sadness, anger, betrayal, loss...grief--and every emotion in between. I remember getting the silent treatment from a group of girls in elementary school. The pain I felt on the playground I still feel today when I think of it.    Adults (as well as children) have used the silent treatment in virtually every society as a powerful TOOL to express displeasure and to gain control.  Senator John McCain writes about the "silent treatment" when he was a Navy Pilot. He was shot down over North Vietnam and held as a POW for over 6 years, often in solitary confinement. He describes the importance of communicating:

"The punishment for communicating could be severe, and a few POWs, having been caught and beaten for their efforts, had their spirits broken as their bodies were battered. Terrified of a return trip to the punishment room, they would lie still in their cells when their comrades tried to tap them up on the wall. Very few would remain uncommunicative for long. To suffer all this alone was less tolerable than torture. Withdrawing in silence from the fellowship of other Americans..was to us the approach of death."

Class today was an introduction to basic communication principles. Isn't it interesting how we communicate in different ways? What is a strength to some is a weakness to others -  And isn't it interesting that when pressure is applied (your grade depends on it, you only have 3 minutes to complete, etc), how communication sometimes breaks down when you need it to be the most clear? 

I was thinking about the basic human needs we all learned when we were in 5th grade science: 1. Food. 2. Clothing. 3. Shelter. We all took one human need for granted--it didn't even make that list. The fourth need is our absolute need to communicate.

We need communication to SURVIVE, not just THRIVE.

I'll give you another poignant example: Frederick II, (emperor of Germany from 1196 to 1250), wanted to know what language was innate in humans, so he took 100 infants from his kingdom away fro their mothers (can you imagine?!), roughly the same age--and used them in what one medieval historian called "one of his most significant, if inhumane, experiments."

"He bade foster mothers and nurses to suckle the children, to bathe and wash them but in no way to prattle with the, for he wanted to learn whether they would speak the Hebrew language, which was the oldest, or Greek, or Latin, or Arabic, or perhaps the language of their parents, of whom they had been born. But he labored in vain because all of the children died. For they could not live without the petting and joyful faces and loving words of their foster mothers."

ALL of our basic needs are either directly connected to, or facilitated by communication. The ability to forge relationships is fundamental for human survival and success. It's as vital as the water and food our bodies must have in order to live.

According to a popular university Interpersonal Communication university textbook "Looking Out, Looking In," Medical researchers have identified a wide range of health threats that result from a lack of close relationships:
  • A lack of social relationships jeopardizes coronary health to a degree that rivals cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, bloop lipids, obesity, and a lack of physical activity. 
  • Socially isolated people are four times more susceptible to the common cold than those who have active social networks.  
  • Social isolates are 2-3 times more likely to die prematurely than are those with strong social ties. 
  • Divorced men die from heart disease, cancer, and strokes at double the rate of married men. Three times as many die from hypertension; five times as many commit suicide; 7 times as many die from cirrhosis of the liver, and 10 times as many die from tuberculosis. 
  • The rate of all types of cancer is as much as 5 times higher for divorced men and women, compared to their married counterparts.  
  • The likelihood of death increases when a close relative dies by more than five times greater.

Personal communication is essential for our well being. Our need to communicate, and our effectiveness at it can determine so many things. It can enhance our physical health. It can maintain our emotional well-being. It shapes our self-concept. It satisfies our need for attention and affection.

I have a theory - that there is a spiritual component to this need to communicate. In the spirit world, we lived with families, with our Father in Heaven...when we remove that communication, our spirit could literally die.  

Consider this scripture: When Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden, what was the first thing God said? Genesis Ch 2:18 - "And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone." What I used to think that meant was that men were just no good without the women in their lives. :-) Now while that may be completely true (and I'll be glad to provide you with empirical examples...), it goes deeper than that. Man (meaning all of us) was created to communicate with others. We need others to survive and thrive.

All basic needs are either directly connected to or facilitated by communication.  The ability to forge relationships is fundamental for human survival and success. 

MOVING ON.. let’s define communication. According to the Interpersonal Communication Textbook I referred to earlier, the "official definition" is that Communication is a transactional process involving participants who occupy different but overlapping environments and create relationships thru the exchange of messages, many of which are affected by external, physiological and psychological noise. 

Or as I would put it:  Communication is a process of exchanging messages.  

Let's visualize the following scenario & then put some vocabulary to this process.  A guy & a girl out on a date (not too hard to imagine here at BYUI). They're sitting at a table having dinner.  Think about ALL the different things that could be happening in this scenario, and how it could be impacting their communication!  The message or the information being transmitted could be anything from a non verbal look, to a "you look really nice tonight."  The sender/receiver is the guy and girl on a date. It could also be the waiter, and anyone else in this scenario.  The channel or the medium thru which the message passes could be a look, talking, a touch, or anything that can get a message across.  Noise is anything that disrupt the message transmission, and noise can be external (ie-loud music, cigarette smoke, kids interrupting, phones ringing, etc), physiological (biological factors-ie-illness, fatigue, hearing loss, etc), or psychological (forces within yourself.  Ie-prejudices, stress, etc).   The environment can be your physical location, or your fields or experience that affect understanding. However, environment is not just your physical surroundings.  More than that it is the individual realities.  We all live in different worlds.  We walk around in our own little “bubble,” made up of our past, our gender, our prejudices, our beliefs, etc.  Every message we receive and send passes through this bubble and is distorted by it. 

Example:  (to a guy).  Let’s say you and I are having a great conversation.  Except one problem:  You look just like a guy I dated in college, and he broke my heart—took it out and stomped on it.  So as I’m talking to you, I remember him.  No, that’s not true, but if it was, can you imagine how our communication might be affected?  Encoding and decoding happens throughout this whole process. When the sender of a message tries to put his thoughts into words that can be understood (Encoding: "Sally, I really like you."), the receiver of the message tries to make sense of the message received (Decoding: "He just said he really likes me? What does he mean by the word "like?" I mean, you can "like" your sister, is that what he's talking about?)
Each of us have our own special brand of communicating with others.  Dr. John Lund, a communication expert for decades once remarked that those who study the field only "get it right" about 40% of the time. If they're lucky. But it's still fascinating, and still worth studying. For all the things we don't get "right" all the time, here are some knowns about communication.

Communication Laws:   
  1. Communication is continuous - it is constant.  
  2. It is impossible not to communicate.   Take a moment and try not to communicate with me.  Go ahead, I dare you.  Go on!  Even when you are supposedly “not communicating,” you are speaking volumes.  You are using these things as your CHANNEL to try to NOT communicate with me.
  3. Never assume someone is interpreting a message exactly the way you intend it. Communication is the science of “good enough.”  It is a very imprecise science. For example picture a dog in your mind. Go ahead. Ok, now this dog is in a house by a chair. Sitting by his master's chair. The chair is by the fireplace. Got those images in your mind?  Now let me get more specific. The dog? A chihuahua. The house is a 101 story apartment complex. The chair is a folding chair in a living room with a fireplace that hasn't been used in years. The master? A blind girl. How many times did your version of the dog, the house, the chair, and the master change?  Why didn’t we perceive all the same things?  We got the general idea right?  This is the science of “good enough.”  It’s not my words that determined what you envisioned…it was your own interpretations that you attached to it.  The exception to that rule is that when the Spirit is present – when the Holy Ghost is present, communication can be much more precise. 
  4. Meanings are not in words, they are in people.  Words are merely symbols.  The meanings to those words are in us.  Consider how freely we use the word "love" for example. Do you really love football as much as your wife?  Of course not. The meanings are in the people who say them, and we become very good at interpreting what they mean.  
  5. All messages have two dimensions:  CONTENT & RELATIONAL. Content:  The actual information being conveyed.  Relational:  the part that tells the listener how we feel about them, us, or the message.  This brings a HUGE gender difference:  Hey, I’m gonna help you all out here.  You are all gonna get a huge boost to your love life here, so pay attention!  MEN tend to pay attention to the content part of a message.  WOMEN tend to pay attention to the relational part of a message. 

Let it be a dance we do.
May I have this dance with you?
Through the good ties
And the bad times, too,
Let it be a dance.

Learn to follow, learn to lead,
Feel the rhythm, fill the need.
To reap the harvest, plant the seed.
And let it be a dance.

Morning star comes out at night,
Without the dark there is no light.
If nothing's wrong, then nothing's right.
Let it be a dance.

-Ric Masten


  1. About a person perhaps having an innate language - I find that very interesting because I wonder if I'd be more myself if my tongue were in French or something. I love that language. But if I had to pick one language of communication for all the world - it would definitely be touch. Of all the things that we need in communication, it would be touch. That even applies to deaf or blind or mute people too from what I've seen. Cool thought, huh? anyway...

  2. Caitlin, I agree. That would be pretty awesome to be able to speak another language right away, but I don't think I would choose French (I have difficulties with it). But it is still a fascinating idea.

    As for this article, I think it is fascinating to learn that humans cannot survive without other human interaction. And it is comforting to know that human interaction with loved ones can extend life.

  3. I also think that it is amazing how we do need communication to survive. We don't really think about it as a need but it totally is. It's just like the 100 infants and how they died because they didn't feel love because they had no communication, whether its vocal or touch,

  4. Many times I have been stubborn because of my masculine traits thinking that communication is just a tool that facilitates the process of completing a task. I don't do it for fun mostly. Rather I like experiencing things. BUT, I fully realize that communication is a necessity especially if you want to realize and complete the most important things in life. For example, one day, I am going to have to learn how to communicate or else I won't get a wife, lol.

  5. This Is Adam Martin. I never have done a blog before, so I don't know how or if this will work. If you can read this, then I have successfully communicated and it worked. Here goes nothing

  6. @ Adam: Congrats. I think it worked. Good luck with further communication in the future. I have never done this before either.

    @ Mikayla: Isn't it crazy how we use the interactions of others (touch, sound) to know that we are loved? and that we exist? Those poor babies probably died of frustration or something.

    I think that counts for responses?

  7. Connor Smith
    I think that its interesting how communication is so important to our state of mind and how it can even effect how healthy we are physically and mentally! I can understand maybe added stress but the fact that it can be considered torture and can kill people when they have a lack of communication is an amazing but sad fact.

  8. Melissa Roesberry:I was in awe to learn the impact communication has on our physical well being. That it truley affects our hearts and minds! I thought it was sad to think about playing the "silent game"..I think its quite munipulative to do to children, friends, parents, does feel like torture. As I read this article I thought how I can improve my communication with those around me. I really enjoyed leearning about the communication laws..# 3 hit me hard!Never assume someone understands the same thing that your thinking..wake up call for me!

  9. Leo Geng:
    It is true that to not communicate is impossible, people does need to communicate to survive. The only only emotion human can not handle is loneliness.

  10. Melissa ROesberry:

    Leo, I agree with what you said. People do need to communicate to survive..Heavenly Father gave us a body and a spirit to communicate with our family, friends..he has put people in our paths to change that we can bring happiness to others..communication is the key.

    Mikayla and Garth:
    I agree how communication is a need. Can you imagine if we didnt? we would be more of an observer Im learning that communicating with others is a need for us and for others...

  11. Kevan Jackson:
    I grew up the youngest of five, so I know how it feels to be the one getting the silent treatment from older siblings. It is honestly the worst thing knowing that someone is intentionally ignoring what you see as important information coming from your mouth. And then to read this, it makes you realize that it really did feel as if you were being deprived of your basic needs.

  12. Kevan:
    Even though I wasn't the youngest I totally understand what you are saying. Yes, me and my siblings did the silent treatment thing. But it honestly does get to you, then you start craving the need for communication.

    I loved what you said about how God has put people in our paths to change our lives. That is so true.

  13. I never really thought about how much communication affects our lives. That we need it to survive and grow. But it is so true. Once my dad had to drive his motorcycle back home from across the country and he said that not talking to anyone aside from the workers at resteraunts and the people working at the hotels was driving him insane. He said it was a terrible 5 days and he never wants to be completely alone for that long ever again. It totally makes sense. Without having any communication whatsoever we would either just get extremely depressed or die Never expressing your feelings and keeping them bottled up will just eat you away until you're nothing.

    I also think its interesting how Men and Women think so differently. Men take everything exactly how it's said or written while Women focus on the message behind it. I think its crazy how minds can work so differently like that based on gender. But it is definitely something I have noticed in real life. A boy might be in the middle of something and just respond to a girl's text with a simple "K"..To a girl that means that the boy is either mad, rude or ignorent and then the girl will spend so much time worrying about it when its really nothing. Its like men and women have completely different thought processes.

  14. Melissa: I definitely know whatyou mean about assuming that other people understand what you're thinking. I have done it before and it never works out in the way I think it is haha definite wake up call.

    Conner: I too am amazed about how much communication affects our lives and how lack of it can kill you.Crazy thoght

    Kevan: I am also the youngest in the family and I have also gotten the silent treatment. Not fun. It really does feel like you're having your needs taken away.

  15. Kelton Gardner speaking. never done a blog before either. its sketch. anyways concerning the silent treatment i am usually the one doing it not the one getting it. but thats only when im super pissed. i try not to do it. Im sure it would make things a lot easier though if i would communicate with people that i am angry with and work problems out instead of avoiding them. I gotta say though i love communicating.. especially with girls.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Jacey:
    haha :) I love your comment about how guys are girls are different! Why, because its so true!

  18. Lauren Cooper

    I have never really thought about how much communication effects our lives on a daily basis. Yet, when I read this and sat and thought a bit, I definitely can see times where I have been doing my own thing all day and realize I haven't even spoken to anyone! It is at that point that I just have a longing to have a good conversation with someone!!
    Also I like the part where we are "dared" to not communicate! I always think it is funny when someone says ok everyone be quite no more talking, and forbids you from speaking to anyone. It is then that I have to use everything in me to NOT talk to someone! So funny how our brains work that way! It is so interesting to think about how communication really does effect us!

  19. Aaron Potter:
    Alright this is the first time ive done anythng with blogs and Im hopeing its a successful experience. I had never thought of communcation to be one of our basic needs to survive. Usually when im asked about what we need to survive I think of food, water, and things along those lines. Never have I thought of communications to be one of them. This fact was really shown by the example of the infants and the Emperor of Germany. Although the basic human needs were met, the infants still died due to lack of communcation. I also found the medical problems that were connected to non communication to be very intersting and informative.

  20. Olivia Machen:
    I've never thought communication to be that important. I probably thought this way because I've never had to go a day without talking to someone. I now can see that it is very important. I thought it was really sad that the king killed all those children because he was a curious guy. I wonder thought that if 40% of communication is interpreted correctly and that's it, how does it affect our learning in school? I also wonder if a child that was home schooled would have any health problems from the lack of a social life. Yes they can talk to there teacher/ parents, but does that really help with communicating. I personal don't think so. I'm really looking forward to this class and can't wait to improve my communicating skills.

  21. Olivia Machen:

    Mikayla: I’m with you on it’s amazing that when we are very young that we need not only to hear words, but to feel another's touch. I wonder how children in orphanages feel. They do speak to one another but do they feel touch or anything like that and if not how does it affect them?

    Lauren Cooper: At the end of the day when you haven’t talked to anyone, do you just find the next human being and just start talking at a rapid pace? If it’s yes, I do the same thing. Expect when the person starts walking away from me I start to fallow them. This drives my sister nuts because she usually is the victim.

    Kelton Gardner: I agree that giving the silent treatment is hard not to do, but when you do the silent treatment how long does it usually last? For me I can only do it for a minute and then I feel the urge to talk so I usually give up. Good luck with trying to stop doing the silent treatment, I will be rooting for you because I will be trying to do the same.

  22. Laura Mickle: I had no idea how vital social interaction is, and I still probably don't. People today don't think of social interaction as important as food, water, and shelter. And we can obviously go longer without interaction than any of those, but they still end up with the same outcome.

  23. Olivia Manchen: I didn't really think about it until you wrote that we don't think about the importance of interaction because we talk and immerse ourselves with others every single day!

    Jacey Hope: Yeah, women and men are completely different! Sister Embree gave an example in our 4:30 class that when a girl asks a guy if he's thirsty, he's going to think the plain and simple, "no". Whereas the reason the girl asked is because she was actually thirsty herself. "hey, let's get a drink."

    Kevan Jackson: The silent treatment is especially bad when it's coming from people who we love, respect, and care about most. Why do we talk to our best friend/spouse everyday?

  24. We need communication to survive not just thrive. Wow!! Its true and late it be a forth among human needs.

  25. Taylor Osborne
    Something that blows me away that its hard for me to comprehend is that of the children dieing do to a lack of communication. All needs were met minus vocal communication and because of something that seems so simple they died. This goes to show the importance of something we take for granted daily!

  26. Logan Searle
    I never thought of communication as being a basic need for survival, but it makes sense. We are constantly communicating whether we want to or not. Eve the clothes we wear sends a message.

  27. It is so true that we need communication to survive. I am so amazed that children need that touch and talk when they are first born! I mean even now at my age at life I don't know what i would do If I wasn't able to communicate with people. When we learned more about John McCain. I was shocked. I mean I think I would go insane! We need communication. Its a daily need!

  28. It is crazy how much we communicate in our lives. I don't think anyone really realizes how much we use it. Saying we use communication "everyday" is a bit of an understatement. If we are around people constantly, we communicate constantly whether we want to or not. All the diseases we are susceptible to without communication is almost unbelievable. I am glad I took this class to learn more!

  29. Kylee Olson: I agree, it’s fascinating to know we can’t survive without human interaction. I once watched a house for a lady in my ward for a week, and it drove me crazy!
    Connor Smith: It is really interesting to see what communication can do. We never realize how much we use it! I never thought of not communicating as torture.
    Kevan Jackson: I was originally the baby in my family also so I can relate to you. My sisters also practiced the silent treatment on me, and it was not fun! It drove me insane. Communication really is essential.

  30. Adrianne Mayes: Communication is essential...even when we are not talking verbally gestures can 'speak' words. Basically, even when I'm not speaking I could be sending mixed signals.

  31. Response

    Aaron Potter: I know how you feel- this is my first time blogging. It's true, communication is essential- I had no idea it had such a strong tie such as food or shelter.

    Breann Briggs: I couldn't agree more. I found it kind of humorous when Sis. Embree pointed out when students don't give the teacher eye contact they are still communicating.

    Jacey Hope: Men and women do think differently. That's the beauty of it! I recall talking to my dad over some topic I was flustered about but before I would tell him the situation I would say "I just need to vent- would you listen?"

  32. In reading about the health effects of a lack of communication, I couldn't help but think about several people I know who suffer from depression. Those I know of seem to cut themselves off from contact and their health only continues to decline and they slip deeper and deeper into their depression. It really is a self-destructive cycle for them.

  33. @ Mellisa:
    I'm reminded of a quote I read once. It read, "The greatest obstacle to communication is the illusion that it's been accomplished.

    To say that we communicate constantly is almost an understatement. I can't tell how many times I've been misunderstood because I didn't say anything.

    I see many comments about the fact that we need to communicate to survive. I would wonder whether it's possible to have too much noise, to the point that we cannot communicate?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I guess I never thought about how continuous communication is. Even when we don't think we are communicating we still are. In regards to law #3 in the communication laws "Never assume someone is interpreting a message exactly the way you intend it" I realize how true this is. I interpret things way different than my husband does.
    That brings me to Law #5 "Content and relational". This is so true in my marriage! When I explain things to my husband, I explain them in great detail and he says "Just get on with it!". He just wants the facts. This always bugs me. Now I realize why I want to elaborate, because my message is relational, and why my husband wants to get to the point because he wants the content. Maybe I need to cut it shorter with him if I want him to stay interested in my message.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Garth: You are so right about needing to learn how to communicate if you are going too get a wife! Wives need communication!

    bverkist: My brother-in-law recently had the problem of deep depression. He also had cut himself off from communicating with other people and almost committed suicide because of it. yes, communicating is so important.

    Logan: Speaking of the clothes we wear giving messages, a faculty member spoke of a girl in his class who was wearing revealing clothing that was always on the edge of the honor code. He called her aside after class and asked her why she was dressing the way she does. Does she realize what kind of a message it was giving to people? She told the professor she was not that kind of girl and the professor said but that was the kind of message she was sending. If she was not that kind of girl then why was she pretending to be by the way she was dressing. We need to think about our messages whether verbal or non-verbal.

  38. Trent Carnahan

    *Silent treatment when used effectively is a very powerful tool to gain control.
    * Need communication to survive and not just to thrive.
    * If one does not communicate; it and can and mostly like will cause health problems.
    * Communication is a process of exchanging messages.
    * People have a lot of different ways to communicate to each other, and people also receive the message that is being sent in different ways.
    * When you are trying to not communicate, you are communicating by not communicating.
    * Never assume your message is being received in the way it is presented.
    * Content: The actual information being conveyed.
    * Relational: the part that tells the listener how we feel about them, us, or the message.
    * Overall people communicate different. Men think inside of the box going to point “A” to point “B” and woman minds go everywhere with no pattern.

  39. I am very excited to be taking this class! I loved reading this blog entry. I had never thought of communication being so vital to us human beings but Sis. E's theory makes complete sense to me. We have been communicating with each other since the pre-mortal existence! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ still wish to communicate with us while we are in this earthly state through the Holy Ghost, General Authorities, and the scriptures. I agree with the statement "We need communication to SURVIVE, not just THRIVE!" I also thought the experiment that the Emperor of Germany conducted proved that statement along with the medical researches that studied health threats due to communication that affected relationships. I liked reading about the Communication Laws (Who knew there was laws for talking! :) The fifth law intrigued me because it explains how and why males and females think and respond differently.

  40. @bverkist- I totally agree with your comment about depression. I think depression is a mind set and choice that people choose which is very sad!

    @Brenda Hintz- I came to that same realization as well! We are communicating ALL THE TIME! :)

    @Alison Johnson- I thought the experiment with the babies was also interesting!

  41. Communication is essential to living, and lack thereof is worse than torture.

    Lack of communication effects us even medically, in ways that we would think are unrelated.

    There are many factors to communication, and you will always have uncontrollable variables involved.

    This is Tyler Jacobson, signing out

  42. My favorite part of this whole lesson were the Communication laws. Number 3 says, "Never assume someone is interpreting a message exactly the way you intend it." I couldn't agree with this more. So many times I have said something with a subliminal message inside of it, and then I was frustrated when they didn't do what I wanted. Even people that I'm very close to haven't been able to understand what I'm trying to imply. Then I have to take a step back and realize that everyone has a different way of communication and I personally need to be more clear and honest.

    @Alison Johnson- The story of the babies that died without physical affection totally amazed me too. I've always heard that to show someone you love them, you hug them or even touch their arm to know that you're thinking of them. I didn't totally believe it but now I do!

    -Sami Sawtelle

  43. I found it surprising that a lack of social relationships can have such an adverse affect on our quality of life. It is interesting that it can have a similar effect on our coronary health as smoking does.

    Also it is fascinating to me that one can not not communicate. I thought that by not talking one is not communicating, but you are still sending nonverbal messages.

  44. There were many things that I found interesting in the post. In my family interactions class last semester and again in this class we discussed how important communication is, and that there is no way to NOT communicate. We are constantly communicating with each other even if there are no words being exchanged. Like it was stated in the beginning of this post the silent treatment is one of the most unmistakable forms of communication in which volumes of communication is taking place. The other thing that I really enjoyed reading and learning about "Never assume someone is interpreting a message exactly the way you intend it." I have experienced this many times and now that I am aware of this law I can communicate better with others.

  45. Breann Briggs: I agree. It is amazing that every second that people are with us, we are communicating with them. Also it is fascinating that we are more susceptible to more disease when we are not communicating enough.
    Caitlin Smith: I agree with what you are saying. I think that not only touch but all nonverbal messages are the most important form of communication. It is pretty much universal across the world. A smile can say so much more than words alone.
    Alison Johnson: I agree. It is very interesting to me that new born babies need to be talked to and touched but they can’t even understand us. But then again I think I would die if I could not communicate with anybody, and if I didn’t die I would go insane.

  46. @ Conner: I also found it interesting that it affects our physical and mental health. I think that sometimes we take the opportunity to communicate for granted.

    @ Kevan: I have also been a victim of the silent treatment and I like how you described that we are deprived of our basic needs and that is why it feels so terrible. I would much rather be yelled at than given the silent treatment.

    @ Jacey: I really enjoyed learning about the communication differences between men and women. Better understanding the differences can improve relationships and make everyone’s life a little bit less frustrating.

  47. Response-

    Brenda- I really enjoyed your post. It is so true that even when we think are not communicating we are! Even the silent treatment. Its some way or another communicating.

    Brent- * Never assume your message is being received in the way it is presented. I loved this!I have had so many problems with this in the past. For some reason I always assume that people understand what I am talking! Its always important to take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of others.

    bverkist- I never even thought of that! We need to take into consideration depression. It is such a sad thing ti have to deal with. I mean most of the time it does have to do with communication. I was in a relief society and priesthood conference at home. And they talked about time, talk , touch! We all need this. We need to have this in our lives. Especially when we are married.

  48. Kevan- I definitely agree with the feeling that we are being deprived of our basic needs! The silent treatment is a HORRIBLE feeling and makes you feel helpless!

    Hailey- i agree so much with the point of being aware that someone might not be interpretting something the way you are meaning it! When we are aware of this, the better we can concentrate of communicating properly with one another.

    Jacey- I agree that it is so interesting how male and female brains work so differently. At times it is so frustrating and I think "why can't you just do it the way I would do it!?" But understanding that our brains don't work the same makes communicating and understanding a LOT easier.

  49. Up until Friday I thought communication was just talking, body language and e-emails! I'm stoked for this semester, there is so much to learn about communicating. Seems like a common topic for discussion has been how guys and girls are totally different from each other, from the way they think to how they talk haha. As Sister Embree was talking about differences between sexes all i could think about was this video. check it out!

    -Blake Farrow

  50. You know I've always underestimated the power and magnitude of some forms of communication. I also was not aware it was impossible to not communicate with other people which makes me wonder how people think I am communicating with them and what the message I'm sending is. Its kind of a bigger picture than what I thought it was originally.
    Nevertheless, it is a lot of food for thought and might haunt me later on.
    -Tyler Collett

  51. Communication truly is THE basic human need. having grown up in a loving family with plenty of caring and amazing freinds, I have fortunately never had to deal with the lack of communication. I can only imagine what it must be like for prisoners of war or people stranded on desert islands who have absolutely no oppurtunities to even talk to someone. Communication feeds the body and soul, and it's very interesting to be able to have my eyes opened to such information. It's also interesting to know that I am always communicating, no matter what it is that I'm actually doing. Everything gives off meaning. And one last point that struck me would be the fact that the lack of communication is actually physically damaging. Cancer is 5 times more likely to occur and divorced men die younger. It's all a little scary if you stop to think about it.

    Carter Evans

  52. Communications are very critical in human survival. Those kids that didnt survive just because the nurses couldnt talk to them had a dis advantage. first they were infants and second they were being deprived of one of the most important human needs. Communication is fascinating without it we cant survive and with it communication becomes an important part of living but even when we do have it, it can cause huge problems. A big one is mis comunication. You could end up haveing a lot of problem just by not communicating the right thing.

    Jared Larsen

  53. I had no idea that was how the experiment ended. One of my previous teachers said they came out of there speaking Swedish or something... I really didn't learn anything in that class! Also, I've had people do the silent treatment on me. It drove me crazy and I tried everything to get some response from them. The silent treatment is definately worse than torture.

    - Ammon S.

  54. After reading this post it reviewed what we learned last class but it also reinforced the importance of communication in my mind. It is interesting to see all the physical effects communication can have on people. McCain’s story showed the psychological effects not being able to communicate has on people and obviously the Vietnamese knew this. When reading the first part about the silence treatment and how it really hurts people, a story from not too long ago came to mind. When I was a sophomore in high school we were running on the track and I was with a group of 5 guys. We decided we were going to “shun” one kid just as a joke so we stopped talking to him and gave him the silent treatment. About after five minutes he started to get really angry and even started to tear up a little bit. I never understood why it bothered him so much but after reading this post it makes more sense.

    - Colin Fiala

  55. this is Bobby Somppi. on the topic of the hundred babies. if the babies were left with the mothers and the mothers were ordered never to speak to the babies but they where aloud to hug them and love them and communicate love physically and emotionally and just not verbaly i believe that the expiriment would have woked. in some passed reading i found a similar situation that happened in a russian ophainige were all the babies were not resieving enough attention so they were all dying, but the psycoligist that wrote the paper believed that the babies were not rieciving enough love and without it the babies chose to die. it was interesting i wish i could remember were i read this...

  56. Logan Pickett
    I think it is so interesting how people need to communicate. I never thought of how much i actually communicate in a day. When you think about it the human race communicates with each other more than ever, with texting and other social internet sites. It is something that we not only want to do but we need to do it every second of the day.

  57. Glen Monson
    It's increadible just how important commincation is in our lives, without it we can't even live, just like those poor babies :( I must agree that the silent treatment is the worst punishment, its horrible because you can't even find out what is wrong, and it just tortures you. I think most people take communication for granted, because we always communicate, with language, with our bodies, with our eyes, with writing, ect. there are just so many ways to communicate and if it was taken away we would all be doomed. I think its important that we all learn how to communicate well, because we always have to do it, so ultimatley it will help us in everything.

  58. Wow, it is amazing to see how communication is involved in every aspect of our lives. It is crazy to step back and realize how bad the silent treatment really is. Lack of communication is the worst form of punishment possible. I wonder how many fights could be avoided if we all communicated better.

  59. Logan Pickett
    I think it is so interesting how people need to communicate. I never thought of how much i actually communicate in a day. When you think about it the human race communicates with each other more than ever, with texting and other social internet sites. It is something that we not only want to do but we need to do it every second of the day.

    I agree with this. We communicate more than and other species in the world. Its something we all want and need to do.

  60. Anonymous said...
    After reading this post it reviewed what we learned last class but it also reinforced the importance of communication in my mind. It is interesting to see all the physical effects communication can have on people. McCain’s story showed the psychological effects not being able to communicate has on people and obviously the Vietnamese knew this. When reading the first part about the silence treatment and how it really hurts people, a story from not too long ago came to mind. When I was a sophomore in high school we were running on the track and I was with a group of 5 guys. We decided we were going to “shun” one kid just as a joke so we stopped talking to him and gave him the silent treatment. About after five minutes he started to get really angry and even started to tear up a little bit. I never understood why it bothered him so much but after reading this post it makes more sense.

    - Colin Fiala

    Colin, you have great insight into this topic. I can only imagine what it would be like to be a POW. Obviously the lack of communication would be the worst form of puishment. On a mission it is so hard to be away frm your family because you cannot talk to them much. Thankfully we do get to talk to the missionaries a few times a year!

  61. Hailey Pierce said...
    There were many things that I found interesting in the post. In my family interactions class last semester and again in this class we discussed how important communication is, and that there is no way to NOT communicate. We are constantly communicating with each other even if there are no words being exchanged. Like it was stated in the beginning of this post the silent treatment is one of the most unmistakable forms of communication in which volumes of communication is taking place. The other thing that I really enjoyed reading and learning about "Never assume someone is interpreting a message exactly the way you intend it." I have experienced this many times and now that I am aware of this law I can communicate better with others.

    There is definatly a bad way to communicate. If we want to be succesful in this life it is a must that we improve our communication.

  62. Cody McDaniel said...
    I find it interesting that we as human beings can not survive without basic communication with other people. I found it interesting on how we communicate without trying to; that our subconcious will pick up messages from other people without us wanting to know thoes messages. We can never assume that the message we sent came accross the way we wanted to. We all need communication in everyday life and we can not live without it. I agree on the statement by Sister Embree about how it is in our spiritual nature to communicate with others becasue we did it in the pre-exsistance. We are here on this earth to build and improve on thoes communicational skills with others as well as our Father in Heaven.

  63. Tyler Carpenter
    I found it very interesting just how much communication is so vital and important in our every day lives. I also found it interesting that it is impossible to not communicate because every action and thing that we do is a form of communication whether we realise it or not. As the first child in my family my parents put in a lot more time and effort during my first years because they did not know what to do. Overtime I've seen that my younger brothers don't get that communication with the parents that I did and therefore act upon the example that I show without me even realising it.

  64. It is interesting that humans have such a built in need to communicate. I wonder what would happen to me if i had just a bit less communication then I do. I dont have much as it is, and I certainly dont enjoy it. :p -Daniel Allen

  65. I also think that it's pretty crazy that we have to communicate to survive. Simple words, touch, and showing emotion are things we have to do to stay alive? You would think all we need is food, water, shelter, and the other necessities, but not communication.

  66. Robert Weymouth...It never even crossed my mind that communication was nescessary for survival, but it makes total sense. We as human beings get depressed or lonely if no one shows us any attention. Wouldn't it be amazing if we all were good at communicating with everyone? the world would be a much better life and you would find tons of happy people! I also didnt know that without us knowing it, we are always communicating! that is so cool!

  67. Human interaction is very important to survival. It is how each of us gets through each day. Even if we are not speaking, our body language, physical appearance, and actions speak plenty loud. Without communication, we would not be alive today. This was clearly represented by Frederick II when he took 100 infants away from their mothers and within a short period of time all of children died because they didn’t receive any loving words or petting from the foster mothers they were put with. In the statistics, it shows that people that aren’t social are at a much higher risk to die early or contract illness.

  68. - Humans can not survive without communication.
    - Every message has more than one meaning.
    - The silent treatment actually works, and can be powerful.
    - Men and Women communicate differently
    - Lack of communication can lead to health problems and even death.
    - A divorced man is more likely to have health problems than a married man.

  69. Im not quite sure how to comment on peoples responses, so hopefully this works.

    @Nathan I agree with what you had to say. I thought it was crazy about the 100 babies, but it actually doesnt really suprise me. We all need human interaction.

    @Daniel Thats not good. You should communicate with more people! haha.

    @Kyle Roach I agree. The silent treatment is horrible. I think if people better communicated, lots of fights and possibly even WARS could have been prevented.

  70. Scott A. Edwards

    I liked the part where we are 2-3 times more likely to die a pre-mature death if we isolate ourselves socially. Communication is essential in life, not just to live longer but to be more succesfull and happier in life. Also I never thought that when we send a message, that others may decode our message to mean something completely different than what we meant.I defanitely put communication as a higher priority to think more about and to improve.

  71. Scott A. Edwards in response to Kyle Roach

    I think if the whole world communicated better we would have less wars, violence and hatred. We would have more tolerance, understanding, respect and love for everyone.

  72. Scott A. Edwards in response to bverkist

    I never thought of lack of communication associated to depression, but it makes complete sense and we all know people who would be happier and healtheir if they got out a bit more and mingled. I see this true in my own life. Whenever I am down and talk to someone about what going on or someoen who has a good attitude it affects me postively. Cheers

  73. Scott A. Edwards in response to Kevan Jackson

    Maybe it's just me or I havent had the silent treatment full on from someone before but I agree that when you are forced to be isolated from people you go a little crazy inside. I can remeber the worst part about being grounded when you were a little kid is that you had to sit in your room in silence, period. I remember just wanting to talk to anyone. Communication is defanitely a must just like food, water and shelter. cheers

  74. Breann Briggs: I also find it fascinating that we communicate so much. I love the challenge issued to try to NOT communicate. Its really impossible because everything we are doing is conveying a message.

    Preston: Thats what I thought before I read this too. I thought all we needed was the basics: food, water, and shelter. Never thought communication to be a neccesity. So important that it could kill me with a lack of.

    Scott: It is funny to think that when we send messages people can interpret them differently. When I send a message I usually try to make it clear for the receive but it can still be misinterpreted. This makes you think twice about the messages you send to others so it isnt interpreted differently.

  75. It's pretty funny to learn about the ways that we communicate. I didn't know that there were two dimensions to conversations, and it makes so much sense about how guys and girls focus on opposite dimensions of those conversations. Making it no wonder why it's so difficult to understand each other. I also found it very interesting to see how much communication is a need in our lives. I didn't know that you would die without it, but it makes a lot of sense that you would.

  76. Gb Bolanos: I think its amazing that if we were to not have communication, we would not survive. Ive tried the silent treatment on others and to me its kinda hard to not keep my mouth shut. So let alone if i cant do this, then in no way can I live without communication.
