Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Need To Communicate

Class today was an introduction to basic communication principles. Isn't it interesting how we communicate in different ways? What is a strength to some is a weakness to others -  And isn't it interesting that when pressure is applied (your grade depends on it, you only have 3 minutes to complete, etc), how communication sometimes breaks down when you need it to be the most clear? 

I was thinking about the basic human needs we all learned when we were in 5th grade science: 1. Food. 2. Clothing. 3. Shelter. We all took one human need for granted--it didn't even make that list. The fourth need is our absolute need to communicate.

We need communication to SURVIVE, not just THRIVE.

I'll give you a poignant example: Frederick II, (emperor of Germany from 1196 to 1250), wanted to know what language was innate in humans, so he took 100 infants from his kingdom away fro their mothers (can you imagine?!), roughly the same age--and used them in what one medieval historian called "one of his most significant, if inhumane, experiments."

"He bade foster mothers and nurses to suckle the children, to bathe and wash them but in no way to prattle with the, for he wanted to learn whether they would speak the Hebrew language, which was the oldest, or Greek, or Latin, or Arabic, or perhaps the language of their parents, of whom they had been born. But he labored in vain because all of the children died. For they could not live without the petting and joyful faces and loving words of their foster mothers."

ALL of our basic needs are either directly connected to, or facilitated by communication. The ability to forge relationships is fundamental for human survival and success. It's as vital as the water and food our bodies must have in order to live.

The very first pages of the text we use in class gives an example of someone playing the "silent treatment" as a child. Anyone ever play that "game?" Been the recipient? I remember getting the silent treatment from my older siblings when I was a child. That was the WORST POSSIBLE TORTURE they could dole out. At first I tried really hard to ignore it--to act indifferent. But it wasn't long before a wider range of emotions took over. Sadness, anger, betrayal, loss...grief--and every emotion in between. I remember getting the silent treatment from a group of girls in elementary school. The pain I felt on the playground I still feel today when I think of it. Adults (as well as children) have used the silent treatment in virtually every society as a TOOL to express displeasure & gain control. I love the example the text gives about Senator John McCain. When he was a Navy Pilot, he was shot down over North Vietnam and held as a POW for over 6 years, often in solitary confinement. He describes the importance of communicating:

"The punishment for communicating could be severe, and a few POWs, having been caught and beaten for their efforts, had their spirits broken as their bodies were battered. Terrified of a return trip to the punishment room, they would lie still in their cells when their comrades tried to tap them up on the wall. Very few would remain uncommunicative for long. To suffer all this alone was less tolerable than torture. Withdrawing in silence from the fellowship of other Americans..was to us the approach of death."

Our need to communicate, and our effectiveness at it can determine so many things. It can enhance our physical health. It can maintain our emotional well-being. It shapes our self-concept. It satisfies our need for attention and affection.

Consider this scripture: When Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden, what was the first thing God said? Genesis Ch 2:18 - "And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone." What I used to think that meant was that men were just no good without the women in their lives. :-) Now while that may be completely true (and I'll be glad to provide you with empirical examples...), it goes deeper than that. Man (meaning all of us) was created to communicate with others. We need others to survive and thrive.

We will literally die without it.

Let it be a dance we do.
May I have this dance with you?
Through the good ties
And the bad times, too,
Let it be a dance.

Learn to follow, learn to lead,
Feel the rhythm, fill the need.
To reap the harvest, plant the seed.
And let it be a dance.

Morning star comes out at night,
Without the dark there is no light.
If nothing's wrong, then nothing's right.
Let it be a dance.

-Ric Masten

(re-posted in part from one of my earlier posts...)


  1. i sometimes wonder about communication being completely nessecary. I'm an introvert and usually enjoy not being contact people to a certain extent. That's what confuses me becuased communication is nessecary but sometimes i wish none was nessecary. How is this supposed to work?(dislike of paradoxes)

  2. I love to talk to people. It makes you feel good. I can understand how someone wouldn't live if they didn't have a friend. I always seem to have something inside of me that I want to let out and share with someone. Lack of communication is like being suffocated. -Gabe

  3. I personally love working with people. I like group projects and I love communicating with others. I like some time alone, but one of my favorite things is just being with people. I love talking and keeping in communication with people. I hate not being able to talk to people when I want to.

  4. This lesson in class was really intriguing to me because I've never considered communication necessary but that is so true. We can't live without it.

  5. I think that communication is completely necessary in the first part of your life. Communication is how we learn to fend for ourselves. It is how we learn where to get food and water, and what to eat and what not to eat. We need to communicate to learn the basics of survival, but I'm not sure if I believe that you couldn't survive after that point without communication.

  6. Think of what we would be without means of communication. We learn so much as it is everyday even when people don't communicate verbally to us. Communication is intertwined into everything imaginable. Without it we wouldn't know that a train was honking at someone as they try and warn them to get out of the way.

  7. Communication seems to make life more enjoyable and meaningful. I can't imagine what it would be like to have nobody to tell when you get your mission call, nobody to say goodbye to when you leave for college or nobody to congratualte you when you graduate high school. It would seem almost worthless.

  8. I love telling funny stories and laughing at each other. It is so much fun to communicate, but sometimes i wish they wouldn't try to start a conversation. I just want to not talk, relax, and do nothing, like when driving. That is only sometimes though. Communication is great, especially flirting. Got to love that.

  9. Keith Drake Comm 150,

    Communication is the very first thing we as human beings learn. with out it we would be anamals and mindless.

  10. Lately I have been taking hikes to beautiful peaks by myself. The pictures I took are absolutely gorgeous. Although it was beautiful, something was missing. It wasn't until I brought one of my buddies up with me that I realized, you need people to laugh with you, care for your feelings, and go on random hikes with you to truly be happy. We can't be happy alone.

  11. I really thought it was interesting learning that Without communication we cant survive. I think that this is a scary thought. But also it is cool that we cant survive without it. I have a one year old nephew and seeing my brother communicating with him is the cutiest thing, cause of communication my nephew knows how to do several tricks such as say "banana" my point is that I love how communication is the first thing we learn and without it we cant survive.

  12. I never would have thought of communication as necessary to live, but I have noticed how important it has been in my life. For example, the first few days I was here, I didn't really know anyone, and I got on Facebook as often as possible because I NEEDED to talk to my friends back home. Not that anything we talked about was important. I just wanted to so bad.

  13. I think everyone has a time in their life that they wish people would just leave them alone. Maybe they want everyone to leave them alone, or maybe they want that one special person to be the only one to talk to them.

    I know there are times I wish many people would just leave me be, and I could talk to others that I can not talk to right now. So I need to talk to others, but sometimes only certain ones. kalen

  14. I think we all, or most people, take the need to communicate lightly. Everyone needs to have some sort of a relationship to survive.

  15. I think we should just let everyone have their own space and let them do their own things.I also thought it was interesting that we need communication to live.
    -Derek Salomonson
