Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Beautiful Junior Miss!

Ok, this isn't an official interpersonal communication post, but I just had to share that my daughter Rebecca Hope is competing in the 2010 Saint Anthony Idaho Junior Miss Program this Saturday at the SFHS JuniorHS Auditorium!  The theme is "Once Upon A Time...".  Doors open at 6:00pm, but it's gonna be packed, so get there early!  (Tickets are $9)

I'm so proud of my girl! Over a year ago, she decided she was going to do Junior Miss.  She had heavy speaking skills (she took 3rd place in the state her Freshman year in public forum debate), but didn't want to do a speech. So she decided to play the piano, and she picked out a specific piece that she wanted to learn for Junior Miss.  Only one problem. She didn't know how to play the piano. Oh, she took a lesson here and there over the years, but nothing really significant. So she approached a college piano instructor & asked her to teach her this song. The piano teacher asked what level Becca was, Becca said "beginner," and the teacher handed the music back to her saying "this is too difficult a piece to learn for a beginner, and suggested beginning books for her to begin with. Becca politely said, "no, I really want to learn this song," to which the teacher replied again that it was way too difficult for her, she'd never learn it until she became more advanced.  So Becca politely thanked the teacher, went home, and over the next year and a half, she taught it to herself.  She really hopes the piano instructor's going to be there Saturday night. She's got a thing or two to show her...

Ok so here are some darling pictures of my girl. I simply cannot wait to see her Saturday night. I know she will be fantastic!  I love you my Becca girl, and could not be prouder of the young woman you have become.  
  She is so photogenic! Even when she's trying to make a goofy face, she looks adorable!  

 In 1995 (when Becca was 3), getting her to wear CLOTHES was a feat, and a dress was nearly impossible!  This is a rare shot taken on Easter Sunday.  Awww aint she cute!?

 Becca & her sister Sarah have always been close.  They have this special bond that only sisters share, and it grows and grows each year.  

The dark haired beauty that is Rebecca now, was completely blond not too long ago. And nope, she didn't dye her just went dark one season, and it's never looked back. 

As a family, we've had the privilege to go on some really neat trips. This is one that we took to New York City, and Becca & her sis got their first ride in a NYC cab. Note their wide eyes....(I think Sarah's holding on to Becca for fear she may lose her out the door or something!). 

Two peas in a pod--Sarah and Becca.  Except that one may be a pea, but the other is an entirely different vegetable all together.  Even though they are not a lot alike, they still are the closest of sisters.  

Becca has goals to attend BYU-Idaho and receive her Bachelor's Degree, then continue on to Dental Hygenist school.  I was a mess when my oldest baby girl put on that cap & gown, what am I gonna do when my youngest baby girl puts hers on?

The three of us together....Now there is a very silly place.  But we like it that way, we laugh more. 

Yes, it's true. Everyone loves our Becca!  

Two of the greatest women in my life. How did I get so lucky! 

Just look at how beautiful they are!  WOW! 

This is the dress she'll be wearing when she performs her "oh yes I can--just watch me play this difficult piece" piano number.  She will be fantastic!!

 And that's my girl. Rebecca Eryn Hope.  

Becca please always remember that I love you the BLUEST! 

Knock 'em dead this Saturday!  


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